Thursday, May 13, 2010

What is Cellulite and How Can Rebounding Help?

By Gregg Birkner
Authorized Distributor of the Cellerciser

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is the term used to describe those fats gathered and caused dimpling appearance on the skin. The common areas in the body where it can be found are the hips, the buttocks and the thighs. It is also referred to as the orange peel appearance.

Is Cellulite a medical condition?

Cellulite is actually not a medical condition. It should not be confused with Cellulitis which is a known medical condition, an infection that causes inflammation of the skin?s connective tissues. Cellulite on the other hand, is normal; it does not require medical attention. This only became an issue because of its unsightly look it made on most women. In fact, it was Vogue magazine, a known publication that caters women's fashion that first used the publicized the term Cellulite.

What causes cellulite formation?

There are strands of tissues that are made of fibrous materials that connect the skin to the deeper tissue layers. This creates sections of fat cells. When the fat cells get bigger, it produces bulges, thus the effect of the dimples on the skin. Hormones like estrogen and folliculate play a role in the formation of cellulite. Other causes are the thickness of the skin, the body fat distribution, heredity and age. Being fat does not always mean that the person can have cellulite appearance, even lean or thin people can have it, because it is genetically predetermined.

Why is it common only to women?

The fat layers in women specifically the subcutaneous layer, is arranged in vertical and bigger chambers that makes fat to be easily stored. While in men, the chambers are comparatively smaller and they are arranged in slanting position, thus only a limited room for fats, and as a result only minimal if not seldom, cellulite formations are visible in men. Another reason is that men and women undergo different physical changes in the body. Hormonal imbalances and changes occur in women during stages of puberty, pregnancy and menopause. These hormonal changes that men do not experience, contributes to the accumulation of fats.

How to get rid of cellulite?

Everybody wants a smooth flawless skin, so the ugly sight of cellulites has become a market for beauty products. There are many that claim to be the solution of getting rid of cellulites; a lot have failed to prove their promises. There are food and dietary supplements, body wraps, massage treatments, there are creams that have antioxidants and anti inflammatory ingredients that are effective because they work to stimulate the blood flow. The areas that are prone to be settled by cellulite are oftentimes dry and damaged. Therefore increasing moisture to that affected area could help temporarily decrease cellulite formation. These are only topical solutions. Some women want to make more dramatic solutions like cosmetic surgery. Whatever the preferred solution, it is best to analyze their effects on the body and to study the components of the products. It is important to emphasize that cellulite is a normal condition and it does not need a medical treatment.

Rebounding and Cellulite

Rebounding or bouncing on a mini-trampoline or rebounder such as a Cellerciser is one of the best ways to effectively get rid of your cellulite. An effective rebounding routine will help to stimulate the drainage system of your lymphatic organs allowing the liver, kidneys, and respiratory systems to work harder and better making it easier to remove cellulite from your body. Many people report significant reduction of their cellulite in as little as two to three weeks time following daily rebounding.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Get Your Lymphatic System Moving Using a Cellerciser

By Gregg Birkner
Authorized Distributor of the Cellerciser

It's no secret that among its many benefits, rebounding is great for weight loss and for creating a body that is very toned and fit.

It's true that rebounding is the best way to accomplish these goals. But rebounding does something else that's quite interesting, yet upon first glance doesn't seem related to weight loss and fitness.

Rebounding gets your lymphatic system moving. Your lymphatic system is one of your body's defense mechanisms. It helps protect against infection, bacteria, viruses and disease. The lymphatic system runs throughout your body and is made up of a series of vessels and ducts that fluid flows through.

The fluid collects toxins from tissues and helps remove them from your body. A healthy lymphatic system means that your body is getting rid of the yucky stuff that can harm it.

The thing about the lymphatic system is that it needs to have something move it. That fluid doesn't move around very well without something pushing it though a bunch of one way vessels and valves. Massage does this and so does vigorous exercise. Now you're getting the picture. Rebounding, while being very gentle on the joints, is still vigorous exercise. And the up and down motion of rebounding gets the lymphatic system moving!

When your body is sluggish, so is your lymphatic system. When you're body is healthy and moving vigorously, as in when it's rebounding, your lymphatic system moves too, getting all those toxins out!

My kids taking a break from Cellercising while watching Brett Favre in the NFC Championship Game this past JanuaryHere's a tip for using rebounding to get your lymphatic system going – get on your Cellerciser rebounder and start out with a warm up of a couple of minutes of easy bouncing – nothing crazy. Then move into a more energized level of rebounding.

Use the more energized movements to get every system in your body working – your cardiovascular system, your lymphatic system, your musculoskelatal system – all of it. Then finish with a couple of minutes of easy bouncing for a cool down.

When you do this, you're moving bad stuff out and good stuff in. This helps you get healthy, but it also helps you lose weight. When your lymphatic system is in good shape, your body will be better able to regulate weight and metabolism – it won't have toxins and other yucky stuff hanging around in it to slow things down.

Even at the beginning of using rebounding for fitness, a 10 or 15 minute workout, even a five minute workout, is going to get things moving! Don't overlook the advantages of rebounding that aren't directly related to weight loss. Sure you want to lose weight and look good, but getting your lymphatic system moving is all part of that whole big picture.

Now get rebounding and have fun!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Rebounding on a Cellerciser to Get Rid of Belly Fat

By Gregg Birkner
Authorized Distributor of the Cellerciser

One of the biggest reasons people start rebounding is because they've gotten sick and disgusted with the fat around their belly. You know exactly what I'm talking about. It's that fat roll that oozes over the top of your jeans.

You know there is nothing at all wrong with being healthy, and I would never suggest that you become a stick figure, so skinny that all you are is skin and bones. That's not what good health is about and that's not what rebounding is about.

But when that belly starts to just sort of go anywhere it wants, it's time to work on it. Frankly, that big belly isn't any more healthy than being skin and bones. And you need to have strong and stable abdominal and trunk (otherwise known as core) muscles.

Rebounding or bouncing on a Cellerciser rebounder can definitely help with that. You can strengthen your core simply by doing basic bouncing moves on your rebounder. When you're rebounding, just make certain that you are keeping your posture straight and that you are pulling in your core muscles during your workout. You'll be surprised at how much of a difference this makes.

But there are also some other rebounding exercises you can do with your mini-trampoline that will specifically help strengthen those core muscles and get that flabby belly in shape. Try these:

• Sit on your rebounder in the middle of the mat. Now lean back. As you lean back, lift your legs so that your body makes a “V.” Now begin bouncing by moving your arms in a forward/up motion and then back and down. This will begin the bouncing motion. Hold your legs in position. This is not easy at the beginning, but it's very effective.

• A slightly easier version of the above exercise for your core is to sit on the mat and lean slightly back. Raise one leg and leave the other on the floor. You can hold on to the frame, or not, because the leg on the floor will help you with your bouncing motion. Bounce this way, with one leg up. Then switch legs.

• Using your balance bar, stand on your rebounder and alternately swing your legs to the side and to the front while keeping your abdominal muscles pulled in tightly.

Getting your core into shape isn't all that easy, but because rebounding is so effective, strengthening your abdominals and flattening your belly becomes less of an aggravation - that's for sure.
As you rebound regularly, you'll find that the fat around your belly area decreases and because you're also developing your core muscles, you'll find that your mid-section starts looking toned, flat, and yes, sexy!

If you're still looking for a recommendation about which rebounder is your best choice, I would say that the Cellerciser is it. The research I've done points to this brand of rebounder, which I consider to be a superior rebounder for getting in shape and losing that belly!

P.S. If you haven't stopped by and joined our Cellerciser Rebounder Facebook Community, please do so and feel free to participate on our site to help motivate and encourage Cellerciser users to better health and faster results.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Adding Energy and Entertainment as You Bounce on a Cellerciser

By Gregg Birkner
Authorized Distributor of the Cellerciser

If you haven't stopped by and joined our Cellerciser Rebounder Facebook Community, please do so and feel free to participate on our site to help motivate and encourage Cellerciser users to better health and faster results.

The following (below the photo of David Hall) is the transcript to a Facebook note that I left on that site:

David Hall cellercising in his Utah office
Even though rebounding is an exciting and fun way to lose weight and get in shape, we all like to add some entertaining and motivating elements to our workouts. That's why bouncing on your Cellerciser to music is so great!

It's easy to add the energy and push of music to your rebounding routine simply by plugging in a favorite CD or even turning on the radio. You can create your own playlist of great upbeat music very easily on your computer or MP3 player.

Adding music to the mix helps to keep your mind occupied while you're working off the calories and pounds and strengthening every cell in your body with rebounding.

One trend that has gained popularity lately is to use music that incorporates a constant beat-per-minute throughout the entire playlist. This is helpful because you don’t have to switch your rhythm with each change in song.

Sometimes, when you create your own playlist of favorite songs, you find that some are just too fast to keep up with, and some are too slow! While variety is good and you want to listen to all the music you like best, there is an advantage to using music that is steady in beat.

When you're working out, it's helpful to keep a strong, consistent beat that you can follow whether you are warming up, in the middle of the heaviest part of the workout, or cooling down after an energizing workout. This keeps the flow of your rebounding exercise routine steady and much more enjoyable.

It's possible to find good CDs that provide a steady flow of music that keeps the beat in a range that is specially made to enhance and maximize your rebounding routine. Instead of a bunch of different songs that change the pace up, you get a steady pace. In addition to CDs, you can also find podcasts that feature great flowing exercise music at a constant beat.

When you are starting out with rebounding, it's recommended that you find music that focuses on staying in the 120 – 130 beat per minute range. You can work up to a faster pace when you fitness level increases.

In using the Cellerciser for rebounding, which as you know is the exercise rebounder, many find that incorporating music into the mix adds an element of energy and excitement. And all who have tried the constant beat per minute exercise music find that it helps to provide a nice flow from one level of the workout to the next.

Rebounding without music or any other form of entertainment can still be fun. In fact, lots of people prefer to rebound without distractions, enjoying the experience and feeling of moving their body and getting fit.

If you're the type who enjoys adding music to your routine, consider the constant beat per minute music. You'll love it!