Authorized Distributor of the Cellerciser
What is Cellulite?
Is Cellulite a medical condition?
Cellulite is actually not a medical condition. It should not be confused with Cellulitis which is a known medical condition, an infection that causes inflammation of the skin?s connective tissues. Cellulite on the other hand, is normal; it does not require medical attention. This only became an issue because of its unsightly look it made on most women. In fact, it was Vogue magazine, a known publication that caters women's fashion that first used the publicized the term Cellulite.
What causes cellulite formation?
There are strands of tissues that are made of fibrous materials that connect the skin to the deeper tissue layers. This creates sections of fat cells. When the fat cells get bigger, it produces bulges, thus the effect of the dimples on the skin. Hormones like estrogen and folliculate play a role in the formation of cellulite. Other causes are the thickness of the skin, the body fat distribution, heredity and age. Being fat does not always mean that the person can have cellulite appearance, even lean or thin people can have it, because it is genetically predetermined.
Why is it common only to women?
The fat layers in women specifically the subcutaneous layer, is arranged in vertical and bigger chambers that makes fat to be easily stored. While in men, the chambers are comparatively smaller and they are arranged in slanting position, thus only a limited room for fats, and as a result only minimal if not seldom, cellulite formations are visible in men. Another reason is that men and women undergo different physical changes in the body. Hormonal imbalances and changes occur in women during stages of puberty, pregnancy and menopause. These hormonal changes that men do not experience, contributes to the accumulation of fats.
How to get rid of cellulite?
Everybody wants a smooth flawless skin, so the ugly sight of cellulites has become a market for beauty products. There are many that claim to be the solution of getting rid of cellulites; a lot have failed to prove their promises. There are food and dietary supplements, body wraps, massage treatments, there are creams that have antioxidants and anti inflammatory ingredients that are effective because they work to stimulate the blood flow. The areas that are prone to be settled by cellulite are oftentimes dry and damaged. Therefore increasing moisture to that affected area could help temporarily decrease cellulite formation. These are only topical solutions. Some women want to make more dramatic solutions like cosmetic surgery. Whatever the preferred solution, it is best to analyze their effects on the body and to study the components of the products. It is important to emphasize that cellulite is a normal condition and it does not need a medical treatment.
Rebounding and Cellulite
Rebounding or bouncing on a mini-trampoline or rebounder such as a Cellerciser is one of the best ways to effectively get rid of your cellulite. An effective rebounding routine will help to stimulate the drainage system of your lymphatic organs allowing the liver, kidneys, and respiratory systems to work harder and better making it easier to remove cellulite from your body. Many people report significant reduction of their cellulite in as little as two to three weeks time following daily rebounding.